Monday, May 2, 2011

lazy monday afternoon

i'm not usually a fan of mondays - and am hardpressed to find anyone who is! most mondays, i wear blue to work in silent protest at the start of the work week. however, this monday was different. stayed up late reading (for fun, not for work!) and absolutely refused to set my alarm. rolled outta bed when i felt like it, had a massive lunch at la strada (swear by their carbonara. the best i've had in sg!), moseyed over to borders and then on to robertson quay for some time out, and more reading.

toyed with the idea of going to kith but unforch my heels weren't made for walking. in my defence, i'm also all ache-y wachy from yesterday's over ambition that was cross country. having passed by book cafe the last time i popped by kith, decided to plonk myself down there for a bit. gleefully helped myself to cosmo and vogue and was cat content for most of the evening. the only grouse i have, however, is that it had the same "smelly interior" problem as kith. it was a cool day and i didn't mind sitting outside one bit, but what a pity the inside reeked of cooked food.

existential angst, yo

realise that with this hipstamatic app, all my photos look the same! however, i promise i actually -do- visit different places each weekend...

yay to starting the work week on tuesday, bigger yay to general elections on saturday and biggest yay to roadtrip-in-the-pipelines.

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