Friday, April 22, 2011

castles in the air

it was after our last A level prelim paper and a bunch of us were clowning around in the ri squash courts. distinctly remember sitting on the steps with pra, talking about our hopes and dreams. he shared with a quiet conviction that he wanted to go into medicine, and be an orthopedic surgeon one day. i told him what i wanted to do and shortly after, vidz joined us and added her ambition to the list. there was no pact, no drama, but it was a good juncture to talk about what we wanted to do with our lives. we were 18, feeling invincible and so very grown up.

fast forward 5.5 years and tonight we had a blow out meal to celebrate pra's acceptance into the surgical residency program. mind you, it's no mean feat that he rose to the cream of this crop, surpassed hundreds of other hopefuls to secure a surgical residency. there are, after all, only 6 such positions in THE WHOLE OF SINGAPORE... vidz is hotshot lawyer doing all these sexayy shipping deals, and i'm en route to doing exactly what i'd dreamt of when i was 18. transitioning into a new phase, i think i speak for all of us when i say that every day i'm reminded of just how young i am, how much i've yet to learn and how this is merely the start of a forty year journey. but hey, what a blessing to be doing what we believe in, and what we've always wanted to do. sure takes the sting outta waking up each morning!

time's flown since that rainy afternoon in the squash courts. they're still madly in love, and like me enough to still be my friends ;) so some things change, somehow we each by the grace of God "made it happen", and yet other things stay the same.
in another six years, pra will be a consultant surgeon (i.e. REALLY have it made), vidz is likely to be a law firm partner, and i'll be fulfilling a lifelong dream. not too shabby eh, for a coupla kids bouncing off the walls in a squash court :)

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