Friday, June 17, 2011


the voice of reason lighting gramps' candles 

a cake in the shape of his most prized possession

there i was, happily traipsing around europe by myself and absolutely reluctant to cut short my joyride to make it home for gramps' 88th on the 17th of june. seeing how the graduation ceremony was only in july, i planned to max out my gradtrip and return on graduation morning.

thankgoodness for the voice of reason, who managed to persuade me to come home on the 17th, so i could be at gramps' birthday dinner that night. you know how the golden oldies are - celebrate their birthday on the day itself, or not at all. so i hummed and i hawed before reluctantly rescheduling the flights and dragging my sorry backside back.

and guess what? the voice of reason was right to trust his instinct and risk fire and brimstone by almost insisting i came home. fast forward exactly a year and i cannot even begin to describe how relieved i am to have been with gramps for his last birthday, and the few happy months after.

(note to self: always listen to boyfriend)

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