Sunday, July 17, 2011

nature ramble and popiah

doesn't "nature ramble" conjure images of boarding school bliss in malory towers or st claire's? yvie and i grew up on a staple of enid blyton that fed our inner anglophile. incidentally, the lovely ladies are the clare medics class of 2011. and jenny loves nature and the rest are adventurous so how else to introduce them to singapore but a true blue tropical ramble at the tree top trail!

we set off but were waylaid by the siren calls of beef curry puff and fresh fruit juice at the poolside. oops :)

when we did finally get going, the weather was most threatening...

but we soldiered on through the secondary rainforest.

until we saw the exit point for the one way tree top trail, realising that in our excitement and distracted by the chatter, we MISSED THE ENTRY POINT COMPLETELY. oops again.

undaunted, we continued walking in search of the next big thing, not dissimilar to talent scouts, really. as luck would have it, there was a tower ahead just asking to be climbed.

climb we did, and were rewarded by this view at the top

satisfied that we at least did get to see the tree tops as yvie had promised, we headed back for popiah. but not before jenny got up close and personal with the flora and fauna (little boy not included) on the way.

after our outdoor adventure, it was time for some indoor excitement. all said "aye!" to a well earned popiah meal to compensate for the evening's exertion. we'd a hoot sitting in on yvie's popiah rolling tutorial and the girls really liked it :) yay! singapore cuisine boleh...

victorious with their well rolled popah!

the end.

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