
(card and photo credits to the extremely talented kelly of paperexploits)
if you're a regular, you're probably massively annoyed at me right now for constantly alluding to that dream thing or that dream job or that bigg bigg something that's supposed to happen this year. i'm truly sorry for being such a tease. however, so as not to derail my fledging legal career before it even started, i did have to keep this exciting bit of news on the down low for awhile.
so, here goes. i'm going to medical school to do a second degree.
sometimes, i feel like the world's biggest clown and/or the posterchild for confused children. but most other times, i'm besides myself with glee to have been given a second bite of the cherry. i get to be 19 all over again! isn't that absolutely awesome cakes? grateful for the university scholarship, and for amazingly supportive family.
for those who want the gory details - took the medsch entrance and singapore bar exams simultaneously (talk about hedging my bets!), started my training contract in january 2011 and found out two months later that i'd gotten into medsch. funny story: my medsch interview was on the exact same day the bar exam results were released! God sure has a sense of humour :) also, while we're talking about God - i've never been as humbled as i am now by His sheer goodness and grace. WOW.
for those who want the gory details - took the medsch entrance and singapore bar exams simultaneously (talk about hedging my bets!), started my training contract in january 2011 and found out two months later that i'd gotten into medsch. funny story: my medsch interview was on the exact same day the bar exam results were released! God sure has a sense of humour :) also, while we're talking about God - i've never been as humbled as i am now by His sheer goodness and grace. WOW.
and oh right, back to that one way ticket. guess i've to come home at some point, but there's this inherent romanticism in buying a one way ticket*, compared to a return. suppose i'll have to cross the how-to-get-myself-home bridge when i come to it!
this is the plan for now on! six weeks of training contract to go (done 25 july!), get called to the singapore bar a month after (27 august) and start term exactly a month after being called to the bar. gotta love the way the timing dovetails ever so beautifully :)
*truth be told, it's hardly as spontaneous as it sounds. just that an open draw return ticket on cattle class was S$3k but i managed to milk my miles and score a one-way ticket on saver for 29k miles.
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